Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Grilled Salmon in Vine leaves

By now, some of you may have noticed that I have a hang-up about wasting food. I am perpetually on a cooking/baking mission to use up leftover ingredients from other projects. (In spite of all that, we still waste food. What a shame!) Anyway, I am even more aggrevated than usual these days because we are leaving for Turkey soon, and that refrigerator has to be emptied before we leave! When I caught sight of a half-used jar of grape leaves in brine last Sunday, I knew that I had no time or energy to make stuffed grape leaves, but surely I could wrap the fish fillets we were planning to grill that afternoon in them, could I not? Indeed I did, but since it was a first-time experiment for me, I did not do it for all the fillets. (In retrospect, I wish I had, because everyone thought that it was an elegant presentation and that the grape leaves flavored and kept the fillet juicy.) I made a bed from overlapping vine leaves for each fillet, sprinkled some onion slices and chopped parsley on top, drizzled with a dressing of lemon juice and olive oil and topped with a bay leaf. Then I carefully made a package of this. Next time, I will brush the whole package with olive oil as they ended up sticking a little to the grill. Later, I realized that this was not a novel idea at all; but hey, what do you know, maybe there is still someone out there who has not heard of it yet. If you haven't tried it before, I whole-heartedly recommend you to try it the next time you grill fish, or in general seafood.


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